Morning Offering

Dear God,

We praise You and give You thanks with all our hearts for the favors You have bestowed upon us. Your Goodness has brought us safely through the night.  We place ourselves under your loving care and ask that you continue to bless us.  Grant that whatever we think, say and do be in accordance with Your holy will and only bring you glory and honor.  Aid us in today's endeavors that we may accomplish all our duties and move toward our goals and aspirations. Please help us provide for ourselves and our family and extend the help outside of our household.  Above all, allow us to become living testimonies of your loving grace. 

Hear us, Oh Lord, as we offer you all our thoughts, works, joys, and sufferings of this day, as we unite our prayers with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. 

Dear mother Mary, please watch over us. 

Our Guardian Angels, please take care of us. 

St. Joseph and all you saints listening to us, please pray for us as we begin this day in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit ~ One God forever and ever. 



Sunrise at Camp Steele, 2019


A Biker’s Prayer